The "Radio2023" conference recently convened at Ruhr University Bochum, offering insights into the progress and challenges within German radio astronomy. One hundred astronomers attended the event which facilitated collaborative discussions focusing on exciting new scientific results as well as innovative strategies for managing complex data sets from telescopes like LOFAR, MeerKAT, SKAO, DSA2000, and ngVLA.
Highlighting the importance of existing telescopes, including LOFAR and MeerKAT, as foundation to future instruments, the conference emphasized the need for novel approaches for data processing and storage.
The conference served as a crucial platform for operators of national data centers to discuss technical requirements and assess the feasibility of upcoming projects.
In summary, "Radio2023" provided a forum for fruitfully discussing current achievements, future opportunities, and challenges within German radio astronomy, ensuring a collaborative and informed approach to advancing the field.
Congratulations to our SFB-1491 spokesperson Prof. Julia Tjus! She is elected a board member of the German Astronomical Society!
We are involved in the roadshow Universe on Tour – a planetarium touring through Germany. Visit us in Dortmund from 16.-20.8.23 to see the show and explore the exhibition!
The floating Science Center MS Wissenschaft is touring through Germany over summer 2023. We have a hands-on experiment on board. Come and visit us there!
Meet our scientists on board:
Dortmund: 18.7.23 14-16 h
Oberhausen: 21.7. von 14-16 Uhr
Oberhausen: 24.7.23 16-18 h
Die Herkunft eines energiereichen Regens relativistischer Teilchen, der beständig auch auf unsere Erdatmosphäre einprasselt, ist eines der größten Rätsel der modernen Astroteilchenphysik. Ein internationales Team von Forscherinnen und Forschern ist diesem Rätsel auf der Spur. Mit dem IceCube Detektor am Südpol der Erde konnten sie jetzt erstmals Neutrinos aus unserer Milchstraße nachweisen.